
is no greater mystery than this, that being
the reality yourself, you seek to gain reality.
• You think there is something binding your reality and that something
must be destroyed before the reality is freed. This is ridiculous.
• A day will dawn when you will laugh at all your efforts. What is there
to realize? The real is always as it is.
• You have realized the unreal, in other words, you regard the unreal as
that which is real. Give up this attitude and you will attain wisdom.
• There is nothing new nor anything you do not already have which needs
to be gained. The feeling that you have not yet realized is the sole obstruction
to realization.
• In fact, you are already free. If it were not so, the realization would
be new. If it has not existed so far, it must take place hereafter. What comes
will also go, what can be gained can also be lost.
• If realization is not eternal it is not worth having. Therefore what
you seek is not that which must happen afresh. It is only that which is eternal,
but not now known due to obstruction.
• Remove the obstruction. That which is eternal is not known to be so because
of ignorance. Ignorance is the obstruction. Get over the ignorance and all will
be well.
• The ignorance is identical with the ‘I-thought’. Find its
source and it will vanish. Then the Self alone will shine as it always has, in
the stillness of being.
Sri Ramana Maharshi